Monday, May 2, 2022

Final Post Prompt


Technology has completely taken over our daily lives and how we will live and operate for years to come and from here it will only get even more involved in our world. It has not only given us a platform to speak but has also changed the way we communicate with others, make a living, and helps people express themselves and opinions they might have in unusual ways. Although like most things, there are pros and cons. The way people use technology is not always a positive matter. This past semester I authored an essay on the negative effects of social media on young teenagers in my College Writing class, so I was able to dig deep into how exactly teenagers are having negative relationships with technology.  

Now moving into my relationship with technology. Overall, I can say that technology has defiantly positively impacted me in school with being able to easily research certain topics, or research questions that I may of wondered about, it also played a huge role my junior year which was a tough time in our world with the pandemic, so being able to do my junior year online was huge instead of having to make it up or something crazy like that. Technology has also given me the ability to communicate my opinions about certain discussions like sports-related debates with others and that is something I always liked doing. Also being away at college it is nice to be able to use my phone/computer etc. to communicate with my parents and friends from far away and it has helped me since I am in a completely new state far away from home. Now, as I mentioned earlier, there are usually pros and cons to every situation in life. I would be honest and admit that I do think at times technology has taken up too much time somedays. Sometimes I would not do other things and leave the house just to stay in my room on my phone. Now as I have gotten older, I feel as if I have been able to just put my phone down for a while but to this day it can still be a distraction and I feel that might be the cause for a lot of people. The access and how it is so easy to open your phone and look through twitter or send a text that it can feed into that addiction factor.  


I would not say technology has made me smarter but that also does not mean I have not learned things from it. Something I learned is that social media can just be people showing off things that others may not have or showing off that they are having fun with others, and that can cause other people to want to get away from social media or even feel worse about themselves and that is the fear of missing out as shown in the image above. I have always thought about my social footprint and worried about it but in a way where I do not really want any of my information out there or pictures etc. That is why I private a lot of my social media accounts. Although I have come to fruition that after being on the internet for so long that that is going to happen so the best thing, I can do now is just to do my thing and stay low at times. That is where I have now accepted that social media is just fully involved in our daily lives whether we like it or not and it is going to continue to stay that way. I look at it like this, everyone has Twitter, Facebook, linkdin, whatever it is there is some sort of social media that everyone has so at this point, so I look at it like everyone is involved at this point, so it is not as bad. Watching the video “Mad world remix” to me was eye opening but at the same time did not phase me because that video is just strictly anti-technology and I do not think the video does a respectable job at showing the positive effects of social media at the same time. I question why try to make this only negative message about social media when its already a part of everyone's lives now and will be forever and there is no changing it, it is not just going to magically disappear so instead of doing that why not look at the certain bright sides and then maybe think about workable solutions for the negative things about it. I think we can work towards making social media positive and work away from the bad situations it can bring upon people. That is why I believe that my relationship with social media is positive, because it has helped me in many ways and taught me what not to do and what to watch out for.

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Final Post Prompt

  Technology has completely taken over our daily lives and how we will live and operate for years to come and from here it will only get ev...