Monday, March 21, 2022

Blog Post #3, Eight Values of Free Expression


    Out of the Eight values of freedom, to me personally, #8 Protect Dissent resonates the most with me and is important all around. The eighth value of freedom: Protect Dissent writes that our system is not an ochlocracy and that anyone can have a certain opinion of the government no matter who you are, you indeed have that right to disagree with the government if you choose to and that it is your job in a sense to criticize the government. The reason this one really sticks out to me for two reasons. First, the thing that always surprised me the most was how in other countries this would be really forbidden and un-allowed in a way where to me it is unfair and that always surprised me. A country that I think of most when it comes to being against this the most would be North Korea, a country that is very censored. I did some research on my own and it was funny to find that they were reported to be the 1 most censored country in the world. CPJ explains that North Korea is at the #1 most censored country mainly because of their governments control over everything in the country and how you will only here praise about their leader Kim-Jon-Un inside the country. It just blows my mind the way that these people are just being controlled and not allowed to even have an opinion, to me if our country worked that way, I am not sure how things would be.  

    The second reason is something that still can be looked at today and that is someone being criticized for doing their own criticism of their government or having a different opinion and/or disagreeing with what they do. It is weird if someone were to get upset at another person for that because the question is, how does that concern you? If someone has something to say about the government, for example the US government, then why should they be called things like “un-American” or judged at all? That is something that should not be considered a terrible thing, if someone really does not agree with our government or something they could have done years ago, then they should be able to without being judged as some sort of traitor. This speech value is overall particularly important to look at because especially on what is going on today with the world and what is yet to come, you will have a lot of people questioning what the US government will do and already what they have decided to do, so therefore people will have to prepare themselves for criticism of the government because not everyone is going to agree with it. Also going forward and for the future, it is important that you always can have different perspectives on certain situations so taking away or judging people's opinions is not always the right thing to do and how can you ever have conversations or communicate if everyone is supposed to think the same way? 

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