Monday, March 21, 2022

Blog Post #2, Supreme Court

       Something that I did not know about The Supreme Court that I learned after reading the article on History was that for over one hundred years after the foundation of the Supreme Court, justices were required to hold circuit court twice a year in each circuit and then this was abolished later in 1891, so no wonder why I really knew about this. Although I found it interesting because there is a lot you can learn about the Supreme court in school, this was not something I remember learning about specifically. The most surprising thing I learned from the article was the West V. Barnes, which was the first decision the six justices would make on, and to me it was surprising because it is the first ever case to be brought upon and it was about a financial dispute between a farmer and a family that he had owed money too, so seeing that case and then the cases after that it is surprising.  

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