Thursday, April 21, 2022

Blog Post #6, Privacy


    After watching a couple of Ted Talks on privacy and some further research I can say that I am uncomfortable but at the same time I am not surprised. This is something I have always thought about and heard things about apps like Facebook, and Instagram stalking us and gathering our information. Funny story that relates to that as not too long ago I was in person having a conversation with my dad about getting new sunglasses and about a couple minutes after having that conversation I was scrolling through Instagram and got an ad for sunglasses. So, there you go. The Ted Talk that stood out to me the most was the one with Catherine Crump and in her speech, she talked about how the police departments and government are flat out stalking people which they try to say is for “investigation purposes” although Crump mentions a point that they were tracking someone who had nothing to do with anything illegal. The problem is here that the police and government are allowed to have this information on us like our location and whereabouts, how we interact, our daily lives. The fact that this is being allowed to me is actually insane. Crump also mentioned that the Government can have over 100 photos of you and your daily life, which is just wild to me. It not only makes me uncomfortable but at the same time frustrating that they are just doing this and there is nothing to be done about it. I really see why people do not even want to purchase phones because they are literal trackers at this point, that is why I do not blame Professor Smith for waiting for so long, the class should not of have him the crap they did for that to be fair. Something I do to try to minimize my information from being out there is any of my social accounts are private, because I know 100% the government and police look through people's social media. Another thing I do is not sign up for accounts on every single website or app I go on, therefore less information of mine is available. Also is anyone going to talk about how on the new IOS after you opened any app on your phone it asked if you could allow apps to track data or something, that is simply CRAZY to me. Instantly I said no to all of them as that is not necessary one bit. Overall, privacy is a huge issue and with the technology we have days I would not be surprised if it got even worse.  

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